July 26 - August 2, 2025
Here at the fair, we offer huge entertainment included FREE with your gate admission!
Everything listed below is a free show 3-4 times daily! Check back just before fair for the daily schedule!

Sea Lion Splash is a unique show that will have crowds cheering and laughing. The show is an educational show with a splash. The sea lions will amaze the crowd as they balance balls, shoot hoops, dance, perform handstands and show their pretty smiles. The show features both California and South American sea lions.
The natural exhibit is presented in a tropical setting with rocks, palm trees, waterfalls, foliage and two pools. Trainers Marco and Philip Peters have been recognized by millions ofpeople for their always unique and exciting shows and exhibits.
Sea lions are natural performers and will ad lib without prompting, stealing the show with their cute mischief.
Rick & Judy Pratt
Dylan Pratt, Dustin Pratt
Kyle Maurer
We are a "Family of Artists" creating together. We provide quality Artwork in Sculpture, Architecture, Furniture and Attachables to increase dimension to your Home and Landscape.
Please have a look at our Gallery and let us know how we can help you achieve your Artistic Dreams!

Lance Gifford provides so much more that just amazing magic shows and spell binding hypnosis shows. Lance travels with his own stage!!
This stage is quite the sight on your midway, it is a whopping 53' x 26', completely self contained with professional sound and lighting.
For more information go to http://fairentertainer.com/index.html

If you've never been to a pig race, you're in for a real treat! Swifty and his friends don't do it for the money, what they really want is that Oreo cookie, waiting on a silver platter at the finish line!
They run as fast as their little legs can take 'em, and then it's back to nap time to be ready for the next race!
Swifty Swine travels all over the United States, bringing this unique form of family entertainment to their fans. So watch the shows page to see when they'll be in your town, , and get there early to get a good seat!
For more information go to http://swiftyswine.com/home.htm
Lisa Dufresne has turned her love of animals into a lifelong career. From her youngest days growing up in Worcester, Massachusetts, her natural skill with horses led to a career performing, choreographing and competing with her horses. With more than twenty years experience training animal acts of all kinds, her performances with her animals have delighted audiences across the world. Lisa's horses have waltzed their way into Japan, danced in the Main Ballroom of the Waldorf Astoria in New York City and circled the United States for various circuses, stage shows, fairs and horses theaters, including a number of years performing with Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey.

We are excited to welcome the Butterfly Kingdom! The Butterfly Kingdom hosts 200-300 hundred butterflies including 6 different species. The educational exhibit shows a video of the life cycle of a butterfly from the egg to the adult butterfly and how to fix a broken wing. Feeding sticks are provided so fairgoers can feed and interact with the butterflies. Butterfly kits are also available so patrons can take home their very own butterfly and watch the whole hatching process!
The interactive exhibit will start Sunday, July 28 and be open from 1 pm - 8 pm daily.