July 26 - August 2, 2025

Village of Knives
The Details For The Event:
- Display booths (one 8' X 2 1/2' table plus chairs) are $75 for 1; 2 tables are $140; 3 for $200.
- Personal tours of town and the annual banquet on Saturday night at the nearby American Legion -- aka "Robins Roost" which was Andrew Jackson Case's home. Many thanks to our vets and Post 531!
- Self-guided tours of town are also available by clicking here ("Walking Tour") with the many former sites of Little Valley's cutlery history fully displayed and tour pamphlets available.
This event is 150 years in the making!

Celebrating over 40 years, the Cattaraugus County Trappers Association Sportsmen's Show features conservation displays, archery, black powder, trapping, fishing, guns, taxidermy dealers, big buck club display and live seminars.
Friday, August 8: 10:00am-6:00pm
Saturday, August 9: 8:00am-5:00pm
Sunday: August 10: 8:00am-3:00pm
This is a NON-ALCOHOLIC, FAMILY-FRIENDLY EVENT, open to the public.
Demos in the past have included trapping for fox, coyotes, beaver, mink, fisher, and more! Pistol Permit Clerks will be in attendance.
Daily admission is $5 per person. Camping is available at an additional cost. Plenty of parking and food will be available.